BN menang PRU13 Pakatan tolak keputusan praya

. Selasa, 17 Desember 2013
222 seats total, 112 to win, 148 for two-thirds
Johor (56)38180
Kedah (36)21150
Kelantan (45)12330
Melaka (28)2170
N. Sembilan (36)22140
Pahang (42)30120
Penang (40)10300
Perak (59)31280
Perlis (15)1320
Sabah (60)42120
Selangor (56)12440
Terengganu (32)17150
Nombor dalam kurungan menunjukkan jumlah keseluruhan kerusi
Kerusi Terhangat
Bandar Tun RazakPKR wins by over 10k votes
Gelang PatahDAP wins by 16,868 votes
KeningauPairin wins battle of brothers again
KluangDAP wins by over 7k votes
Kota RajaPAS wins by 30k votes
Lembah PantaiPKR wins by 1,860 votes
LumutPKR wins by almost 5k votes
Pasir MasPAS wins by 8,047 votes
PekanBN wins
PulaiBN wins
PutrajayaBN wins by 5,438 majority
SaratokBN wins by 2,081 votes
SegamatBN wins by 1204
SerembanDAP wins by 11,553
Shah AlamPAS wins by 10,000 votes
SibuDAP wins by 2,759 votes
  • Berita
    • BN menang PRU13
    • Pakatan tolak keputusan praya

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